What does a session of labor & birth prep look like?

We practice common labor and birthing positions. This includes some sitting, standing, lying down, using a ball or peanut and even a partner. This is a video on my instagram.

We talk about eating during labor- hint I’m a fan!

We discuss pain management techniques and tools. That may include manual techniques, counter pressure, heat or ice, and even TENS.

We talk about, and practice, the different types of pushing and breathing.

I give people a list of my favorite things to have in your postpartum care bag (think peri bottle, postpartum pads to freeze, peppermint oil, and good full butt underwear that come up high).

Discuss how to have the first postpartum bowel movement in the most pain free way possible as well as how to initiate that first void.

How to manage caring for a baby and a C-section, in those first few weeks.

A lot of encouragement and empowerment. I remind people that they have to advocate for themselves but that they deserve the birth they want and that it matters.

Are you pregnant and wanting to prepare for your birth? Reach out!


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