3rd Trimester!

This is just so much education!

I often do symptom management at this time, but we really dive into birth prep in the third trimester.

I get people doing stretches and movements that help with mobility during labor. We discuss the phases of labor and how to position the legs, pelvis, body for the best results. We practice labor and birthing positions with a ball. We talk about the types of breathing and pushing and practice.

I show people how to perform perineal massage on themselves, and can help them if it’s challenging. Sometimes people will have me start their sessions with a release because it’s too painful for them to perform on themself and anything helps. We also practice pelvic floor stretching and relaxation training to help make room for the head to come out, especially the posterior pelvic floor muscles.

I like to give people a list of exercises and stretches that are gentle and appropriate for the first few weeks postpartum so that they can start connecting with their body, even before their 6 week pelvic exam.

The list goes on. I LOVE this time!

Did you do birth prep with a pelvic PT? What was the best thing you did or learned?


The 4th Trimester


2nd Trimester!